Sunday, July 25, 2010


I know this picture has nothing to do with her rolling over, but since I didn't have the camera handy when she did, it will have to suffice. On Saturday, July 24th Emma rolled over for the first time from her back to her stomach. Sadly for her, she hates being on her stomach and has yet to figure out how to roll back the other way. Soon enough Little P, soon enough.

Friday, July 23, 2010

My girl

She is growing so fast! I love all of the facial expressions she makes and the new sounds she is making.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July

We spent the 4th at a "Cook Out" with some friends. Then we watched the fireworks from the parking lot at a church down the road with our friends/neighbors. Yes, I was "that mom" that dressed her up in red, white and blue for the holiday. We took some pictures of her and Matt in the backyard. As I was editing photos, I realized that there aren't very many pictures of her and I. We are going to have to fix that!

3 Months

Emma is 3 months old today. Here are some facts about Emma right now. She weighs just under 13 lbs. She hasn't been measured in length in the last month but she should be around or over 24 inches long. She wears size 3 month clothing. She wears cloth diapers during the day and disposables at night. She is now moving up into a size 2 diaper. Currently, she sleeps from 10-10 or 11-11. We are trying to figure out how to move that up to 8-8 or 9-9. She is starting to laugh and it is the cutest thing. She can now hold her head up by herself and is enjoying spending time in her bumbo seat.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Bath Time is the Best time

This girl is certainly her mother's daughter in some areas, namely: her love of the bath tub. Once she is in the tub she is completely happy. She kicks and splashes and has a grand old time!