Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I'm gonna be" that mom"

Emma's getting bigger and this is pretty much how I feel about it.

Maybe if I close my eyes real tight and pretend I can't see it then it won't really happen. I was the mom who cried on my child's 1st birthday, and they weren't happy tears. Sad that her first year was over already and it was all happening to fast. The thought of sending her off to school in a few years makes me panicky and emotional. I am going to be the mom that's sobbing on her first day of kindergarten. Yep, that's me. I'm not ready. Nope. Not ready for her to run, not ready for her to go to school, not ready to see her do things on her own and not need me. My baby is growing up too fast and I don't like it. Not one bit.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Its been a while

Sorry I haven't been around to blog. It took us a while to figure out how to upload photos on our new computer. Things around here have been good. Hot and rainy, but I'll take it over the snow and cold. We've been hanging out, having fun and playing with friends. Still no walking on her own, but she'll walk behind her shopping cart. That's my girl!

This is her cheeser face that she does when the camera comes out.
We went swimming with our friend Emma Grace.
Here's her shopping cart. She desperately needs a haircut so her hair ends up like this in a pony tail most days. I dig her Pebbles look.