Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Check this out

I have followed this sweet blogger, Megan for quite some time. She is expecting twins any day now after enduring the loss of her precious boy Cohen over a year ago. She does great giveaways and discounts and has introduced me to some pretty awesome designers and etsy shop owners. This week she's featuring a shop called Gussy Sews. They are also on face.book and Twi.tter. You can check them out at this link


Friday, August 12, 2011

Summer Days

We've been enjoying the slightly cooler weather around here. Praying it stays around for a little while. Emma finally got over her fear of the grass and now enjoys roaming the yard picking up leaves and twigs and bringing them to me.

She also enjoys taking Hudson's ball and running.... er, crawling as quickly as she can. Then we throw it for him. He runs happily, she squeals with glee, and all is well in the Lomicka yard.
Occasionally we just sit and ponder things.
Or cheese it up for the camera.
Now give me that camera! She has gotten to the point where she wants to see the picture on the back of the camera and she's rather impatient to see it.
Of course with summer time we have to clean up after Hudson's incessant shedding. She's interested in the Swiffer. I figure if I work this right, it could really turn out in my advantage!

Thursday, August 4, 2011


After one of the longest, coldest winters on record we have gone on to one of the hottest, driest summers. Most days have been in the 90s with a relatively high humidity. I was looking forward to going to some of the festivals here in town this summer, but I don't really enjoy roasting out in the sun and Emma gets rather cranky when she is out for a while so we've been spending a lot of time having playdates at friends houses. It's so wonderful to have so many great friends now who also have small children around Emma's age. We can get together and talk while the kids play. It's helping Emma learn how to share and it is good for my sanity not to be cooped up all the time! I was looking forward to taking her to the splash pad this summer, but since she's not walking, that's not really an option! There's always next summer!