Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Potty Training

Well, its back to just the 3 1/2 of us since Matt's parents left on Tuesday so we figured we better get back to work on the potty training. I am really tired of changing Emma's diapers and she's tired of wearing them. Not to mention the fact that they are considerably more expensive the bigger your child gets. We don't have any plans made for the next few days so I will be staying at home and working on getting her to use the potty. This morning I went in and got her up and we went straight to the potty. She didn't pee but she did sit there. Of course, her diaper was extremely wet so I may have missed it already. After that we didn't put a new diaper on. We put on the Minnie Mouse pan.ties that she picked out at and had a talk about how big girls wear pan.ties and pee on the potty and she didn't need her diapers any more. She sits on the potty quite frequently but so far nothing has happened. We haven't had any accidents yet today, but I'm sure we'll get there. Fingers crossed that she starts to catch on soon! 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

23 Weeks and Counting

I'm now 23 weeks and a few days pregnant with Little Boy. Since the first trimester ended I am feeling pretty good. Occasionally I feel rather exhausted, but nothing too bad. My back has been pretty bad and I've been having horrible sciatica flare ups. For those that may not know, I had surgery on my left foot to correct some problems I had with the bones being in the wrong places and joints being dislocated. These problems were hereditary and I happen to have it on both sides of my family. Lucky me! Most people in my family have the problem on both feet. I only had it on one, but with a greater severity. So in high school I had it fixed with a pin and screws and 4 months of crutches. Apparently 15 years of my foot being that way affected the way I walk, my growth plates in one leg, and a number of other things.

 I am supposed to wear hard, molded inserts in my shoes to help correct my posture and gait. Only I don't. They don't fit in most shoes and I mostly just forget about them. Back pain has been an issue for years but i mostly just deal with it. I guess it's not something I ever thought would change so you just learn how to live with it. Unfortunately, pregnancy shifts everything and the pain has become unbearable at times. I limp a lot and have difficulty sleeping. So, I finally went to see a physical therapist at my Dr's recommendation. An appointment I thought would last 30 minutes ended up taking an hour and a half! I was pretty shocked and so was the Physical Therapist. Apparently I should have sought out some kind of care sooner! Ha! My spine is so out of whack and my hips are way off along with a number of other things. I left armed with homework and strict instructions to wear my inserts from now on, or at least until the end of my pregnancy. If Matt has his way, I'll wear them forever and never wear another pair of sandals or heels. We'll see about that....