Monday, June 4, 2012

28 weeks... A Day Early

Pregnancy Highlights

How far Along: 28 weeks

Approximate Size of Baby: 2 1/2 lbs and 15 inches

What's Baby Up to This Week: (according to my pregnancy calendar) His brain is growing like crazy, he's adding fat to his body, and his eyes are starting to filter light. He may even start to recognize my voice. 

Weight Gain: 4 pounds

Gender: BOY!!

Symptoms: Still struggling with some sciatica pain but trying to be a trooper about it. Insomnia and some nasal congestion. But I'll take it over the constant nausea I felt for 9 months with Emma!

What I Miss Most: Sleeping on my stomach and steaming hot baths

What I'm looking forward to this week: Our first family vacation with just the 3 of us next week and taking Baby Boy on many trips in the future!

**Matt asked why I hadn't been taking any pictures of my belly this time around since I did one a week with Emma from about 18 weeks on. I guess I better get with it because this poor baby isn't going to have anything documented!