Well, it finally happened. Emma's 1st birthday arrived. We had fun with friends and family, eating snacks and cake and opening presents.

Emma loves the new talking Elmo toy that Grandma and Papa send to her. It's been a big help in the car, which Emma pretty much hates. Whoever said that babies love their carseats were big, fat liars.

She played with friends. Josiah is a big fan of her stacking blocks.

Our little family. She's such a ham.

Emma was a big fan of the cupcake, but not such a fan of the frosting. Once I finally took the frosting off for her she ate the entire thing!

2 days and many hours later, Emma's cake was finished. It's a little bit hard to tell, but that's actually a large leaf that the ladybug is sitting on. The leaf was 2 layers of yellow cake with raspberry filling covered in vanilla/almond buttercream. The ladybug was red velvet cake covered in fondant. It was the first of many cakes that I'm sure I'll be making for Emma's birthdays.
I LOVE that cake! Emma looks so big! She makes my girly look tiny. We are partying tomorrow, where did the year go??