Emma loves to dance. This may or may not be my fault :) Generally if she hears music playing she will stop what she's doing and dance a little bit until it stops. It is not uncommon to look in the rear view mirror and see her bopping along to the beat while she's in her carseat.
Emma, like Matt, enjoys snacks.... A LOT. She is pretty good about sharing though and she likes to feed people. Daddy on the other hand, is not so good about sharing his food. He's learning though :)
Our poor attempt at a self-portrait. My cute girl and her pretty blue eyes.
Emma likes to do whatever Mommy is doing. She has called and texted people from my phone, ordered movies on the TV, and now she tries to email people too. Sadly for her, we don't let her play with the computer.
She's as playful as ever and is generally a very happy child. We have been through a very busy season, but are trying to enjoy as much time as we can together as a family. She's growing and changing so fast that I want to remember and cherish this time while she's still little!