Monday, September 27, 2010


At 5 months we started Emma on vegetables. I am making all of her baby food, except the cereal and it's been a great experience so far. We initially started with peas but that was a big fail. They didn't sit very well in her stomach. So we waited a few days and then started her on squash. That went over a lot better than the peas. She's eating cereal and a combo of peas and squash for dinner and she really likes it. We're currently teaching her a few signs and "eat" and "more" are the big two. She seems to understand when I sign "eat" to her. She gets really excited anyways! Initially it was really difficult to feed her because she would get so excited that she was moving around everywhere and putting a spoon in her mouth was like trying to hit a moving target. She still moves around a bit when she's eating but its a LOT less messy than it used to be. Here are a couple pictures of her eating.

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