Wednesday, October 6, 2010

6 Months

Today Emma is 6months old ad I find myself wondering where the last 6 months went. It's hard to believe that she's only been in our family for 6 months. She's changing so quickly and developing into a funny, loving little girl. I can't wait to see the little person she will become.

My sweet girl. She weighs 16 lbs 4 oz (50%) and is 26 1/2 inches long (75%). Although by looking at her chunky thighs, you'd never guess she was only in the 50th %ile! She still sleeps very well for about 12 hours at night. She takes 2 naps per day. A short one in the morning and a longer one in the afternoon. She rolls from back to stomach but is still struggling to roll back over. Her little legs are getting stronger thanks to her Jumperoo. She loves looking in the mirror. Her most favorite place to hold onto me is by the hair on the back of my neck or by my cheeks, which she pinches into oblivion. She squeals and laughs when you get her little belly. She breaks into a big smile at the sight of her Daddy walking through the door. She loves Hudson and laughs at him. Squash is still her favorite with pears a close second. She's tried squash, peas, pears, bananas and peaches. She's not a fan of peaches and they are not a fan of her. We are so looking forward to bringing her home to California and introducing her to more family in a few weeks!
Princess blue eyes

I love this little face!

Give me that sign!

My happy girl! We love you Emma Catherine!


  1. I love seeing pics of her, she's so cute. It would be fun to get the babies together when you are out. Rhiannon really wants to meet Emma too

  2. Thanks for your sweet comment =)

    12 hours at night- JEALOUS!!! How did you manage that?!?! =)
