Saturday, October 30, 2010

Crunchy Granola

Yep, that's me. At least that's what my husband thinks now. It started innocently enough with an interest in cloth diapering. That's going pretty well and wasn't nearly as bad as he thought. He doesn't wash them, but he at least knows how to put them on and change them. Then it progressed into making all of Emma's food. That's right. I make all of her food (except the cereal). I love the idea that I know exactly what is in her food and can control that. So I try to buy organic fruits and vegetables as much as I can. However, in Fort Wayne, that can be extremely difficult. The last straw for Matt was a few days ago when I came home from the grocery store and announced that we are no longer a cow's milk drinking house. We now will drink only soy, rice, or almond milk. We are trying almond milk right now and it is going pretty well. Since neither Matt or I drink milk, its not too big of a deal. We mostly use it to bake/cook with or moisten our cereal. The milk thing is my sister in law Tracy's fault. I won't go into any great detail about what she told me, but I never want to drink another gallon of cow's milk in my life. I suppose when the time comes we'll have to ask Emma's doctor about what she should be drinking. Call me crazy but right now I am enjoying my new "Crunchy Granola" lifestyle.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how many things are no longer appealing when you learn the truth of how they are made/processed/harvested
