On Saturday Emma Catherine Lomicka turned 3 years old. She is a lot of fun and learning new things every day.
At her 3 year well visit she was 39" tall and 39 lbs. She is in the 95% for both height and weight. They are guessing that she will be 5'7, but we'll see how accurate that is. The doctor thinks that she is a "lefty living in a right handed world" and wants to use her left hand but is still trying to figure it out. We are to watch her closely because she is very bright and we aren't supposed to let her get away with too much. Over all she is very healthy. No major concerns at this point in time which we are very thankful for.
Current Loves include;
Foods: apples, pretzels, and chicken with ketchup
Shows: Umizoomi, Dora, and Peter Rabbit
Toys: Her baby doll Bella, Minnie Mouse dress up toys, and dress up
Songs: The B-I-B-L-E, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and "the Emma song"
Clothes: Dresses, whether its 15 degrees or 80 degrees
Books: Dora books, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
Friends: Kaylyn
She is also now in underwear full time (except for night time). She still sleeps 12-14 hours at night. Soon we will be starting swim lessons and gymnastics for the summer and possibly soccer in the fall. We are so excited to see how she will continue to grow and learn. We love you Emma Catherine!
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