Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Are you kidding me?!?!?

After my 37 week dr. appt. I am left wondering just how talented I am? How on EARTH did I manage to find the 2 doctors in this wide expanse of a city that are both going to be on vacation on my due date? That's right folks, the first Dr. (who I only went to once) told me she'd be gone for 2 weeks around my due date so whoever was on call would deliver me. Yeah, that wasn't going to happen. There were 13 other doctors in her practice and I wasn't down with that. So on to the new dr. I have been seeing her since November and I really like Dr. Z. I don't know if she just now scheduled her vacation or if she's known for a while, but today she tells me that she is going out of town next Friday and won't be back until Easter Sunday. Fabulous. Thanks so much. She'll be gone the entire week before my due date and 2 days after. If I go in to labor during that time, I'll be delivered by her partner, who I have never met. Lucky me. I sure know how to pick them. I guess there's not much I can do about it other than pray the baby comes before March 27th. Don't even think about suggesting that I could go later than my due date. It would not be wise :) The baby is looking good and she's getting ready to make her big debut. We can't wait to meet her!!


  1. Bummer. I have the same problem, kinda. At 36 weeks I have to completely change providers because of insurance changing. To make it even more confusing, for me anyway, I have now become a more "complicated" pregnancy, and I now get to drive to SD to my hospital instead of the one block to Palomar. Ah

  2. You will be fine. The nurse does the majority of the delivery. The doctor is only there to catch it for the most part. My nurse had me push a few times before calling/waking up the doctor. To top it off it wasn't even my doctor I was expecting either. At that point you are more concerned about getting the baby out, and you know each doctor for the most part is the same. They all have the education to make them Doctor, and you aren't going to see them ever again most likely. The most important is that you like your nurse. You will be dealing with her for the most part.
