Monday, May 23, 2011
Summertime Fun
I can't believe that May is almost over! June will be here soon and with that comes lots of trips, plans, and visitors. In June we paint our kitchen and the Phipps' kitchen. Then we have the Monty family trip to Branson. 12 hours in a car with a toddler who hates being in her carseat. Yay for us! We are looking forward to spending time with my family and seeing our sweet nieces Addie and Kacie. In July Matt and I will spend the weekend in Chicago to celebrate 5 wonderful years of marriage and then my dad comes out to visit the next weekend. In August Matt's parents come out for a visit and then my parents will be here for Labor Day! Lots of visitors! Lots of trips! Lots of fun! We are excited to see our family and can't wait to share many of the pictures we take :)
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Day 13: A Photo that makes you laugh
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Day 12
Something I never leave home without: my cell phone
I think this is probably true for most people now but especially now that we have a child, people need to be able to reach us. The people that call/text me the most often are Matt, my sister Megan, my mother in law, and my sister Heidi.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Day 11.... or something like that
Day 11: TV shows that your currently addicted to
Matt and I have watched NCIS for a long time, so that's probably our number one. My top 5 favorite shows are
NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, Pregnant in Heels, Bethenny Ever After, and Deadliest Catch.
Other shows I enjoy are Top Chef, Cake Boss, Survivor, Chopped, and Diners Drive Ins and Dives. Love me some Guy Fieri!
Day 12: Something you don't leave the house without
Day 13: A photo that makes you laugh
Day 14: A website you love to visit
Day 15: Share a Bible verse
Day 16: Describe your dream house
Day 17: What’s in your purse?
Day 18: Photos from around your town
Day 19: Something you miss
Day 20: Nicknames
Day 21: Favorite Movies
Day 22: Share the oldest photo that’s saved on your computer
Day 23: Something you fear
Day 24: A photo of somewhere beautiful
Day 25: 3 things you hope to accomplish by the end of the year
Day 26: Something that stresses you out
Day 27: Your favorite poem
Day 28: A photo of the inside of your car
Day 29: 5 things you are thankful for
Day 30: a picture from today
Day 13: A photo that makes you laugh
Day 14: A website you love to visit
Day 15: Share a Bible verse
Day 16: Describe your dream house
Day 17: What’s in your purse?
Day 18: Photos from around your town
Day 19: Something you miss
Day 20: Nicknames
Day 21: Favorite Movies
Day 22: Share the oldest photo that’s saved on your computer
Day 23: Something you fear
Day 24: A photo of somewhere beautiful
Day 25: 3 things you hope to accomplish by the end of the year
Day 26: Something that stresses you out
Day 27: Your favorite poem
Day 28: A photo of the inside of your car
Day 29: 5 things you are thankful for
Day 30: a picture from today
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Day 10: Something you are afraid of
Although Matt might tell you otherwise, I'm not really "afraid" of too many things. But there are a few that really make me want to scream or cry. Some are silly, and some are more understandable. Firstly, I am afraid of all small furry animals. I am serious. Guinea Pigs, hamsters, mice, rats, rabbits (except the floppy eared kind), squirrels, etc. Anything smaller than a cat and I want to stand on the table and scream.
One word: Aviaries. (Squirm)
On a more serious note, as a child probably all the way up through the time I got married my biggest fear was losing my father. After losing my mother as a very young child, the thought of losing my dad was more than I could handle. Now that fear has been somewhat transferred to my husband. The thought of losing my husband and raising Emma without him is terrifying to me.
One word: Aviaries. (Squirm)
On a more serious note, as a child probably all the way up through the time I got married my biggest fear was losing my father. After losing my mother as a very young child, the thought of losing my dad was more than I could handle. Now that fear has been somewhat transferred to my husband. The thought of losing my husband and raising Emma without him is terrifying to me.
Day 9: Favorite Quote
"Worrying is kind of like a rocking chair. It keeps you busy for a while, but you never get anywhere."
"...People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
~Maya Angelou
"...People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
~Maya Angelou
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Day 8: A place you've traveled to
In July of 2008 Matt and I went to Alaska for 13 days. It was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. We hope to go back one day soon.

On the drive from Talkeetna to Whittier. We got out and walked around and took some pictures. It was so beautiful and serene.

Totem pole in Ketchikan
One of the beautiful pictures out of the helicopter on our way to Mead Glacier
On the drive from Talkeetna to Whittier. We got out and walked around and took some pictures. It was so beautiful and serene.
A mama bear and her cub in Denali National Park. You are not allowed to talk at all if you see a bear. They do not want the bears to become accustomed to hearing the human voice. It is supposed to keep them afraid of it.
Hiking near Horseshoe Lake
A red fox with her dinner.
Yes, I did get that close to a real moose. My husband was freaking out.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Day 7: Favorite Books
Well, I'm a bit behind on my Blog Challenge. I was away this weekend at a Women's retreat so I may need to do a few posts in order to catch up.
I have always been a reader. As a child I used to lay awake with a flashlight reading long after I was supposed to go to bed. As an adult I still love to read, I simply don't have as much time as I used to now that Emma is here and I am busy with Love in ACTION. I will read almost any type of book. I do enjoy historical fiction, christian fiction, biographies and autobiographies. I am not generally into science fiction or many fantasy novels, but I did enjoy the Har.ry Po.tter series very much. In fact, I have re-read those books many times! I just finished a book called "Vanished" about a young boy's kidnapping and the mother's pursuit to have him returned to her. It was ok, but not great. I have a few books that I need to read right now but have yet to find the time!
I have always been a reader. As a child I used to lay awake with a flashlight reading long after I was supposed to go to bed. As an adult I still love to read, I simply don't have as much time as I used to now that Emma is here and I am busy with Love in ACTION. I will read almost any type of book. I do enjoy historical fiction, christian fiction, biographies and autobiographies. I am not generally into science fiction or many fantasy novels, but I did enjoy the Har.ry Po.tter series very much. In fact, I have re-read those books many times! I just finished a book called "Vanished" about a young boy's kidnapping and the mother's pursuit to have him returned to her. It was ok, but not great. I have a few books that I need to read right now but have yet to find the time!
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