Sunday, May 1, 2011

Day 7: Favorite Books

Well, I'm a bit behind on my Blog Challenge. I was away this weekend at a Women's retreat so I may need to do a few posts in order to catch up.

I have always been a reader. As a child I used to lay awake with a flashlight reading long after I was supposed to go to bed. As an adult I still love to read, I simply don't have as much time as I used to now that Emma is here and I am busy with Love in ACTION. I will read almost any type of book. I do enjoy historical fiction, christian fiction, biographies and autobiographies. I am not generally into science fiction or many fantasy novels, but I did enjoy the Har.ry Po.tter series very much. In fact, I have re-read those books many times! I just finished a book called "Vanished" about a young boy's kidnapping and the mother's pursuit to have him returned to her. It was ok, but not great. I have a few books that I need to read right now but have yet to find the time!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry, I was doing this on my phone and noticed a horrendous typo after pulishing my comment!!!! Well, as you can see, I'm following you now. :D Where did you hear about this 30 Day Blog Challenge? It sounds fun. I think I'll begin doing it too... On top of everything else I do on there, of course. Between Amy S. and I, we figured this blogging thing out. :) What is your all-time favorite book?
