Friday, January 29, 2010

Don't ruin it for me!!

Ok, so this is MY blog. I can write what I want, right? It's a place for me to communicate with family and friends, but more importantly, just to write down my thoughts. So if you don't want to read it, you don't have to. You can blame it on pregnancy hormones if you want, but I am so irritated by people's negative pregnancy, childbirth, and baby raising stories. I mean, I am EXCITED about having a baby. I am THRILLED to have a child. And despite some minor inconveniences, I LOVE being pregnant. I don't understand why some people feel the need to tell you every gruesome detail about their terrible morning sickness or 36 hour labor and delivery and how miserable the first 3 months were after their baby was born. Are they trying to scare me? Everyone's story is different. Everyone's experience is different. Mine may not be the same as theirs. I pray to God that it is different than many of theirs. I'm just venting here, but I am so tired of the negative stuff. I can't wait for my baby girl to be here. I know it will be one of the most difficult things I have ever done, but this is MY life. Let me experience it for myself. If you are scrambling to think whether you may have told me some story about your experience, no worries :) I'm not talking to anyone in particular. It's more strangers than anything else. Love to you all!

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